Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tory MPs back expansion of private sector role in NHS - read here -

So this would mean 8 of the 40 member Stakeholder on the Panel are in agreement before
the process is underway
- shame on you - You came out to support
the Save Campaign as it suited your purpose at that time
Now is the time to do it again, revisit your principals and
not the party line.......

and support Local People NOT National or International
Profits instead of Patient Care......

From the Guardian -

The NHS is about care, not markets

Downsizing the workforce is a business response to loss of profit – but it doesn't account for the

NHS goal of universal healthcare

Read Here -

Thursday, September 03, 2009

NHS workforce cuts plan rejected

On the news today NHS workforce reductions have been rejected following a report
by yet another firm of Management Consultants at high cost to the Taxpayer.
McKinsey and Company tell how 37,000 clinical and admin posts can help the
NHS to save £20Bn
Not being one not to have an opinion on this, I have to add that CUTS are
not an option, with the population getting even more elderly and with older
people being accepted for Transplant donors, we need to keep spending
on staff and patients.
One means of saving is to streamline some services to G.P's but that would need
more funding in that area to release Secondary Care providers (hospitals) to
be more efficient.
This is what Option 2 for Hinchingbrooke was suppose to go somewhere to achieve
BUT it was never funded properly and was probably as poor funded as the Care
in The Community for the elderly too, that was given £2.2m token to provide a
service, needless to say, The Campaign said that £22m would be needed to achieve
that plan and we were right, Care in The Community is on it's knees and joint budgets
with the County Council are the order of the day, that together gives the Commissioners,
NHS Cambridgeshire, to fragment the service they provide to the Private sector.

The best way to save NHS resources is to cut the Target culture, reduce the need for
many of the Targets, which have been with us since the Thatcher era as a means for
each Political party to score points against each other, this must stop NOW.
With Targets going then admin and managerial jobs will go, but with some Foundation
Trusts looking to go to 7 day working then those staff could "shift" across to another Trust.
Private Contactor's are not the way forward, recently Sunlight, the Laundry provider for
some local Trusts have been cutting back on the collection of dirty laundry and in one
case bags containing soiled laundry were left on the ground and not in cages, awaiting the hot sunshine which weakens the plastic bags leaving them vulnerable
to be investigated by rodents and other vermin. Again Profit before Patients
and providinga service, this is why Private Companies should be OUT of the NHS.

Privatisation has not worked with the Railways, it is a shambles and recently National Express
decided to pull out of their contact as they couldn't make enough money from the East Coast Main line........

Will Private companies jump ship from the NHS?.... of course they will
The aim of Save Hinchingbrooke Campaign in conjunction with Keep Our NHS Public and
the Hinchingbrooke Staff Unions, is to

Keep Hinchingbrooke in Public Hands, run by
Local People For Local People...........

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Stakeholder Meeting 1

Campaign members will be at today's show meeting to launch the "Franchise" of Hinchingbrooke

Needless to say it will be a P.R exercise at this first meeting,
we will be presenting our Anti Franchise
petition ,which was signed by the people of Huntingdon and surrounding area,
at a later meeting

With the Franchise mechanism meaning that this will be a Transparent and Scrutinised
process then it will be doomed to fail and a waste of taxpayers money and NHS resources...
...a bit like PCTOption 2 for Hinchingbrooke that was put in place in 2007..........
will the instigators please stand up....

All in all the Franchise exercise is a slap in the face and betrayal of the
Hinchingbrooke staff and the Huntingdonshire people....Again........
This is nothing but a political pawn so the Tory's show that they support Private
Healthcare, I am not a supporter of the Tories nor the Labour party nor indeed of
any of the Political parties.
Care UK and the Private Healthcare bodies have already rejected the idea of
the Franchise as the scheme is not flexible enough for them OR in Private Health
Care speak, they wont make enough money.
The Hinchingbrooke deal will mean that the Assets and Staff will remain in the
NHS so that means Private companies Can't cut the staff salaries nor sub contract
parts of the hospital for Private use.......

We wait and see the process begin........and during this time we will have a
General Election.....But which of the parties will be brave enough to stop the process
and who will be brave enough to attend a Save Hinchingbrooke Campaign Public Meeting this space for dates/times
Today is the day

The Stakeholder Committee meets today, the Favoured 40, now with 40 People on the panel how can they make a decision?......

I have been asked by others "How can I join the Panel", that is asked when they see the list of members of the Panel

They haven't even invited me on the Panel, the man who started the campaign to keep Hinchingbrooke from
closing, enough said...........