Under the Lansley plans this should be dead and buried by is a project that has NOT been signed off, so is dead in water under the Laansley announcements in May 2010.
I guess they have to let due process take it's course and the 3 provider to 1 provider choice has been postponed from September 2010 to February 2011......
This means that it WILL not start from April 2011 but I would think that by then the last bidder will have withdrawn from the process....
The SHA dies from 31 March 2012, so if any Franchise is put into place to begin 1st April 2012 (due to delays) then WHO will police this..... No One.......
The best way forward is to scrap the process NOW, and when the SHA/PCT are sorted any balance can pay off the Historic debt that was induced by these 2 bodies in the 1st place......what goes around....comes around....