Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Been just a Summer and Autumn

but I am back, the Tories have left me little choice but to start up my campaign again

As many of you know Circle Health have been "gifted" the Management or rather "ownership" of Hinchingbrooke hospital from June 2011. I for one are not happy with this but as I was not invited to be one of the 40 members of the Stakeholder Panel then the blame for this fiasco lies soley with the 28 MP's and local authority members plus the Union representatives from the regions and the groups that were supposed to have been the voice of the people ........ NOT

I guess you know why I was kept out of the discussions.....

The Tory Local Press Rag, the Hunts Post, has done nothing for this and in fact is merely a voice and free press for the Local Tory paper and the MP
While on the subject of the local multi millionare MP..... Anyone seen him recently?
The last time I recall was at the Huntingdon Rememberance Day service, mind you that was the 1st time for 5 years.......shameful

SO......where do we go from here..........?
We ramp up and support all NHS campaigns, we inform the public,Patients etc about what is happening..........and join works.
This will be Lansley & Cameron's poll tax and we can bring them down.......

I like the idea of G.P's being involved with mu care...BUT and a big BUT is how much involvement and the relentless speed the Secretary of State and Prime Minister are going to try and push this through.
Their(and Thatcher's - see a theme build) Policy Maker........Oliver Letwin, did, as you now prime U.S healthcare firms at the very same time as Cameron told the millions watching the election debate thaat the NHS is protected. I think if you scroll down this blog you will find that I have already covered that and a link to the news article too. The main issue with handing the commissioning to G.P's is the huge pressure this will place on them, then the result will be that they will need some "assistance".....but the PCT won't be there....but the U.S healthcare vultures will be to offer "help" and they will obviously commission their companies to care for the G.Ps comes the privatisation...... Letwin's Baby...

All I can say is (and using today's Mirror headline) BLOOD MONEY.....

especially as you must recall Lansley's £21,000 donation from a health company...