Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Health & Social Care Bill

Well dear Friends and NHS supporters.... the Health Bill is soon to be passed.
I feel we have been betrayed by Politicians, especially the all evil Tories and their sidekick Liberal Democrats and finally the Queen.

Now Is the time to fight back and at the next election the NHS will be the main topic and voting material.
Labour, no I am not a supporter have nailed their intentions to the mast that they will repeal this rotten bill, I believe the Green Party will also support this too.

The Greens have also been full supporters of the NHS and would do the decent thing in government and tax the rich and we would not be in the austerity mess the Tories have taken us into.
The Health Bill will be very difficult to implement, you need staff on board, the will to implement and EU competition rules will make things very drawn out too, in fact it won't be implemented by the next General Election.
As Campaigners we can assist the delay by challenging local decisions, being involved in Health Watch, Patient events at G.P's and challenge CCG's
Hunts Health CCG leader says he would like the Health Bill dropped as per G.P's and the majority consensus. But will as all Health professionals try to make the best of this until the reorganisation is done again in 2-3 years time.

The biggest issue is the NHS Risk Register has not been published although it has been leaked that it contains the facts that 50 NHS Hospitals WILL close under the Tories evil plans. With an ageing population this is stupid and like the Tory PFI idea crass too.
We are "lucky" to still have Hinchingbrooke NHS Trust still with us, Stephen Dunn has brokered a "deal" with Circle for 10 years(although this could be finished at anytime) so we can I guess we are "safe". I have said in previous posts the "deal" will give Circle £100m more than Hinchingbrooke would have had over the 10 year period and Circle will get 5000 more patients too.
This shows what I said all along, the Circle "deal" is not the same as Hinchingbrooke NHS would have had and NOT the level playing field that Stephen Dunn claimed it would be, like the Government....he Lied.

The next challenge too is Acer Ward and also Hinchingbrooke's staff canteen.
Acer Ward, has a campaign on Facebook and Petition to stop this valuable ward from being closed for good. The awful run "virtual" NHS Trust, Cambridge & Peterborough Mental Health Trust, Farms out much their work rather than dealing with it in house, to charities and voluntary groups while the directors get fat and the trust loses cash and is underfunded.
If Acer Ward is allowed to close and I believe that the local MP is NOT behind the campaign then this will leave Acer Ward building to be empty.
I have information that Circle have no plans yet to use the facility, but then under rules would not be able to for at least 6 months.
It then could become a PRIVATE ward or wing....... One hopes that isn't the case.

The next issue is the Staff canteen. Since Circle started the menu has changed, the new chef serves hardly any meat dishes and usual favourites and numbers using the canteen have dropped dramatically, seriously lower numbers.
Staff now visit the front cafe or the country park for normal lunches and dinners rather than eat the new menu
I see this as being done on purpose as Circle had identified this area as a place to expand for offices.... yes offices....
It looks like Circle are gunning to move Welbeck St their HQ to Hinchingbrooke which would save a fortune....

Enough from me at this time.....BUT


Starting 10.00am in St Ives at the Oliver Cromwell Statue, Market Place, St Ives.

Members of the Save Acer Ward campaign team including campaign creator and spokesperson, Liz Stokes, will be hitting the streets, markets and pubs on Saturday 24th March to Monster the good people of St Ives, Huntingdon and St Neots into signing our petition to Save Acer Ward,

We will be available for interview and photo opportunities on Saturday 24th March - starting 10.00am in St Ives at the Oliver Cromwell Statue, Market Place, St Ives.

The Petition was started in St Ives by Save Acer ward campaigner, Anita Whateley and we will be also visiting the other market towns of St Neots and Huntingdon,

With the NHS Cambridgeshire & NHS Peterborough board meeting on Wednesday 28th March, where the ward's fate will be decided fast approaching collecting petition signatures will demonstrate the strength of public opposition to the closure of Acer ward, Huntingdonshire's only inpatient mental health facility (over 1500 signatures already collected).

Or to sign the online petition visit our website www.saveacerward.wordpress.com and follow the link