Wednesday, October 25, 2006
It's Wednesday 25th October 2006, I met with the
Interim Chief Executive of Hinchingbrooke Hospital
yesterday. It was a productive meeting and we discussed
all the issues surrounding the hospital including the
financial situation.
I did praise the staff for what they have done for my
mother but it beggared belief to hear that as the staff
had given mother 3 proceedures on one day that the
trust would only be paid for 1 of them, that is outrageous
and so you see that an efficient trust who have patients
interests at the forefront and by completing more than
just 1 proceedure at each hospital visit, so as to reduce
the trauma to the patient are blantantly penalised
That is the perverse way the hospitals are funded
At the meeting we discussed the PCT and its money
issues, they are losing £70,000 per day, obscene and
unexcusable but not the fault of the PCT just the
structure of the system of funding the NHS