Monday, October 23, 2006

Well it's been a busy few days since the last post on here
and I have some personal thanks to convey to the
wonderful staff of the PCT & especially Hinchingbrooke 
As you are I have been under the hospital for my arthritis
for a number of years now and this has helped a great deal.
But the subject for my thanks is for my Mother.
She found a lump and went to the GP on Friday 13th and was
seen by Hinchingbrooke on the 20th, but this went the
extra mile and 3 tests were done on one visit, therefore
making savings to the Patient and the Trust.
Mother has another appointment booked for the 27th and
will probably be having surgery next week.
Well done to all concerned and it is a testiment to the
quality of staff, cost effective thinking and quality service
from this wonderful Hospital.
It seems stupid to cut vital services from this geographically
well placed hospital, the centre of Cambridgeshire & the hub
of the A1/A14 links, but obviously cash is more important than
Patient Choice - Quality Service - Locally Avaliable