In PMQ's yesyerday David Cameron clashed with Tony Blair over many issues...........
And, in a tactic that has surprised many with its apparent success, he turned to the NHS, once seen as unassailable Labour territory.
He seized on a new report from the Labour-dominated Commons health select committee saying problems in the service were the result of failures "at the centre".
And what and who, he demanded, were at the centre - the government and the prime minister himself.
There followed another of those now routine who-damaged-the-NHS-most clashes that establish few unchallengeable facts but perhaps help contribute to a general impression of who is most trusted on the issue.
The bad news for the prime minister seems to be that he is no longer the automatic favourite. Mr Cameron seems to be making advances in this area - and that is hugely dangerous for Labour.
The only thing is the direction the Conservatives will take is not dissimilar to the Labour party as confirmed by James Paice at a recent Lobby of Parliament on the 1st November 2006
In essence it will be different parties, same agenda but it will be a different delivery pattern, so voters, beware and choose wisely............