Only minority get hospital choice
Patients were asked if they could choose where they had their operation
The government's high-profile patient choice scheme is only being offered to three in 10 people, a survey for the Department of Health shows.
Since January 1, NHS patients have been allowed to choose between at least four local hospitals for an operation. Private clinics are also now available.
It's alright having Choice, but if your Treatment is only avaliable in 1 hospital local to you, where is the choice?
Treatment in the Community is a widely muted new wave of NHS service, but they are not set up yet, no working models and also go back to the small hospital scenario as in the 1960's which was before the DGH model which the Government are trying to destroy.
With these service currently unavaliable the DGH is the majority of Voters, ONLY Local and PREFERRED choice.
With the Hewitt Superhospital plan, how will there be Patient Choice & Local Hospitals?